National Flying Club

Committee meeting held at Kidderminster on the 7th February 2007

Minutes of previous meeting agreed as a true record of matters arising. Brian Long reported on a very good meeting with the Racing Pigeon where the future relationship was discussed. This resulted in the minor problems over the past months being resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned. The Racing Pigeon will now be working closely with the National Flying Club and are to help with sponsorship for the clubs results. The Correspondence was then read and all agreed that there were no issues.

The race programme for 2007 is as follows: 19th May, Fougeres. 2nd June, Cholet. 16th June, Alencon. 29th June, Tarbes. 21st July, Saintes. 1st Sept, Guernsey. On the clock stations front the committee felt that there should be more clock stations and if organisations had enough members and someone would be responsible to run the clock stations the Committee would look favourably to make things easier for the members in any area concerned.

A big issue with some fanciers are the new crates that the club now use, there have been tests done regarding a modification. It was agreed by the Committee to alter all the crates using a wider mesh and raising it from the bottom. This will be implemented immediately at no cost to the NFC.

As with everything the National FC do the committee seek the best for the members so when it came to engraving for the clubs magnificent array of trophies the Committee agreed to continue with existing supplier for the present moment. The club have been presented with a new trophy to known as the Titmus Trophy in memory of Mr Titmus one of the clubs longest serving members who passed away, the trophy was accepted with thanks.

Mr & Mrs Carlo Napolitano the Royal Lofts manager is once again be approached to attend the annual presentation as a guest. The club will also invite one other guest to be decided for the presentation at The Palace in Torquay. The 2008 annual presentation will be held in York.

Other major issues to be looked into include Expenses, Remuneration & Salaries – The Committee have requested a financial review to be carried out and a cost cutting proposal to be presented to the Committee for evaluation.  This will be carried out by the Treasurer Paul Naum and Brian Long and will be presented to the Committee in four to six weeks for their evaluation.

Contracts – The Secretary’s service contract was discussed and the Committee agreed for an appointed Committee member to continue the discussions with the Secretary to bring this to a satisfactory conclusion, as the contract was a standard service contract.

Under the heading of Any Other Business the committee agreed to make a new section for Scotland. The committee have appointed Brian Stansfield to be the person in charge of the overall responsibility for all sponsorship that National Flying Club gain in the future. All day-to-day running regarding sponsorship will now be directed towards Brian. The meeting was then closed.